World Population Problems (undergraduate)
This course is designed to introduce students to the tools of demography (i.e., rates, structures, and population dynamics) and use these tools to identify and examine the nature and evidence regarding key population problems in the world.
Statistics in Sociology (undergraduate)
This course provides a basic introduction to the application and interpretation of statistical analysis in the social sciences.
Health Disparities in Social Context (undergraduate)
This course is designed to provide a broad introduction to the major conceptual frameworks and empirical research examining adult health and health disparities.
Causal Modeling (graduate)
This course provides a broad introduction to causal modeling. Particular attention will be paid to causal inference from observational and quasi-experimental research designs. Topics include instrumental variables estimation, difference-in-difference models, regression discontinuity, matching, propensity scores, heterogeneous treatment effects, and panel data fixed effects models.
Basic Demographic Methods and Materials (graduate)
This is part of a two-course demographic training series serving as an introduction to the field of demography and population studies.
Population Health Inequality in Temporal and Global Context (graduate)
This course is designed to provide an in-depth introduction to the major conceptual frameworks and empirical research examining the adult health and health disparities from temporal and global perspectives.